2024 Fall Symposium

Join us at the 2024 CalDerm Fall Symposium, September 6-8, 2024 at the Omni La Cost Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, CA!

CalDerm expects 125+ dermatology physicians to attend these meetings, primarily from the state of California with about 5% from other states. Nationally recognized physicians will present lectures on a variety of topics that are of great interest to dermatologists, including: General Dermatology, Surgical Dermatology, Dermatopathology, Cosmetic Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology, Practice Management, Residents Forum Cases and the annual AAD Leadership Address.

CalDerm leadership actively promotes industry support by encouraging their colleagues to spend time with exhibitors during the exclusive visiting times and works to ensure productive face-to-face networking opportunities.

Quick Links

Exhibit Schedule

Application & Selection Process

Exhibit & Industry Support Opportunities

Terms & Conditions

Exhibit Schedule

*Schedule may change; check back often.

Friday, September 6
7:00 – 10:00 AM | Exhibitor Move-in & Setup
10:10 – 10:30 AM | Break with Exhibitors
3:10 – 3:30 PM | Break with Exhibitors

Saturday, September 7
7:30 – 8:30 AM | Breakfast with Exhibitors
10:20 – 10:45 AM | Break with Exhibitors
5:00 – 7:00 PM | CalDerm Family Celebration Reception (all are welcome)

Sunday, September 8
7:00 – 8:00 AM | Breakfast with Exhibitors
10:30 – 11:00 AM | Break with Exhibitors
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Exhibitors Tear-Down

Application & Selection Process

Categories of Exhibits
CalDerm will consider applications for exhibit space for products or services in the following categories:

  • Associations & Foundations
  • Computer Software & Hardware
  • Cosmetics & Skin Care
  • Disposable Medical Supplies
  • EMR/EHR Systems
  • Financial Services & Investments
  • Laboratory Services
  • Laser & Laser Supplies
  • Market Research
  • Medical Lighting Equipment
  • Office Equipment & Supplies
  • Other Professional Services (i.e. real estate)
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Photographic Equipment & Imaging Services
  • Phototherapy Equipment & Supplies
  • Practice Management
  • Publishing & Educational Materials
  • Surgical Instruments

Exhibits are to be displayed in such a manner that the presentation of products and services in the exhibit hall will enhance the overall educational goals of the Symposium.

Application Procedures
To apply for exhibit space, please complete the form and email it to membership@calderm.org. Please note that a 50% deposit is due within 60 days to guarantee the support level. If the 50% deposit is not received in this time, the sponsorship will be released and may be sold to another party, including holds on Product Theaters or Advisory Boards. Full payment must be received prior to the start of the meeting. Space will not be assigned without payment. Applications from companies that have outstanding balances due to CalDerm from prior tradeshows will not be processed without full payment of delinquent accounts. 

Should CalDerm sell-out its exhibit booth space, a waitlist will be maintained on a first-come, first-served basis. Any canceled booths will be offered to companies on the waiting list in the order of the waitlist request.

Please note Check or ACH Payments are required for sponsorships above $10,000. Please contact us at membership@calderm.org for more information.

Exhibit & Industry Support Opportunities

The CalDerm Product Theater provides exclusive, unopposed, live marketing opportunities on the topic of your choosing. Our conferences are high-energy, intimate events, with an engaged audience. The only session offering available during breakfast or lunch, attendees will be engaged and available to hear directly from industry supporters. Two breakfast and two lunch product theaters are available.

The Product Theater event includes the following:

  • 45-minute presentation and an exclusive hosted breakfast or lunch held before morning sessions or immediately following the morning general sessions.
  • Function space, food & beverage for up to 125 attendees, audio visual needs, and signage.
  • An exhibit table with premier placement.

Additional benefits include:

  • Unlimited number of representatives may attend the entire meeting.
  • Placing of promotional items on tables in the product theater room.
  • Logo placement on all promotional material, in official registration packet, and posted on the CalDerm website.
  • Pre-registration lists will be provided as requested leading up to the event.
Exhibit Booth Includes: Table signage, 6 ft. tabletop exhibit, 2 chairs, waste receptacle, exclusive exhibit viewing hours (see program for updated hours), complimentary registration for up to 4 exhibitor reps.
Named official meeting sponsor, standard exhibit booth with prime placement, logo on all promotional material, maximum signage at meeting, logo in official registration packet, logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, on the event webpage, social media, and 12-month recognition as Annual Sponsor on CalDerm website. Multiple Opportunities.

  • Logo on our rotating mobile banner ad on the event mobile app with company logo and link to website.
  • Ability to message attendees.
  • Lead capture capabilities.
  • A dedicated spot on the CalDerm conference app to post logos, link videos, upload marketing material and share contact information. The Sponsor page is viewable to anyone visiting the CalDerm conference app or conference page – not just registered conference attendees.
Named sponsor of select meal/break periods, standard exhibit booth with prime placement, logo on all promotional material, logo in official registration packet, logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, on the event webpage, social media, and 12-month recognition as Annual Sponsor on CalDerm website. Opportunities - Sponsor of Breakfast Functions and AM/PM Breaks on Saturday and Sunday.

Standard exhibit booth with prime placement, logo on all promotional material, logo in official registration packet, logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, on event website, and social media.

Help give our attendees complimentary access to the internet throughout the conference as our exclusive Wi-Fi sponsor. Everyone in attendance will be required to enter your company's name to use Wi-Fi. It's tough to find a better branding opportunity! Benefits also include signage throughout the conference, daily in the welcome slides, listing in program as sponsor, logo on all promotional material, logo in official registration packet, and logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, website, and social media. (Does not include exhibit booth)
Help power attendees' devices by offering power at their seats. Benefits also include signage throughout the conference, daily in the welcome slides, listing in program as sponsor, logo on all promotional material, logo in official registration packet, and logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, website, and social media. (Does not include exhibit booth)
Attendees would enjoy branded key cards upon hotel check-in with your company logo (Does not include exhibit booth)
Personalized ad/company developed graphics on 3 panels of charging stations, named sponsor of charging stations in all conference materials, logo in official registration packet, logo on CalDerm event webpage. (Does not include exhibit booth)
Personalized ad/company developed graphics on 1 panel of hand sanitizing stations, named sponsor of hand sanitizing stations in all conference materials, logo in official registration packet, logo on CalDerm event webpage. (Does not include exhibit booth)
Exclusive logo on official registration bag that contains all registration materials, logo on all promotional material, logo in official registration packet, logo on CalDerm event webpage. Product sample or flyer in bag. (Does not include exhibit booth)
Exclusive logo on official attendee badge lanyards, logo on all promotional material, logo in official registration packet, logo on CalDerm event webpage. (Does not include exhibit booth).
Entitles company to provide one (1) piece of literature to be distributed to each attendee bag. Does not include cost of printing/shipping literature. (Does not include exhibit booth)
The headline sponsor includes top sponsor billing for the reception event, brief welcome remarks (2-5 minutes), signage at function with top billing, company promotional items on tables, exhibit table display at the reception, listing in program as headline sponsor of the dinner, logo on all promotional materials, logo in official registration packet, logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, on our website, and social media. (Does not include exhibit booth)
The entertainment sponsor includes signage at function with sign placement next to band area, opportunity to introduce the band/entertainment, listing in program as entertainment sponsor of the dinner, logo on all promotional materials, logo in official registration packet, logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, on our website, and social media. (Does not include exhibit booth)
The food sponsor includes signage at function with sign placement next to all food stations, logo on cocktail napkins, listing in program as food sponsor of the dinner, logo on all promotional materials, logo in official registration packet, logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, on our website, and social media. (Does not include exhibit booth)
The bar sponsor includes signage at function with sign placement next to all food stations, logo on cocktail napkins, listing in program as food sponsor of the dinner, logo on all promotional materials, logo in official registration packet, logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, on our website, and social media. (Does not include exhibit booth)Exclusive sponsorship of welcome reception event, signage at function, company promotional items on tables during function, standard exhibit booth, listing in program as sponsor of function, logo on all promotional material, logo in official registration packet, and logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, website, and social media. Up to 10 additional attendees to the sponsored reception function. (Does not include exhibit booth)
Exclusive sponsorship of welcome reception event, signage at function, company promotional items on tables during function, listing in program as sponsor of function, logo on all promotional material, logo in official registration packet, and logo in CalDerm eNewsletter, website, and social media. Up to 10 additional attendees to the sponsored reception function.  (Does not include exhibit booth)
Terms & Conditions

Exhibit Floor Plan & Space Assignments
The Exhibit Hall floor plan is posted on the CalDerm website. Premier Exhibit Booth purchasers receive prime placement. Standard Exhibit Booth purchasers will be assigned booth space on a first-come, first-served basis following the completion of the online application and payment. Consideration will be made to maintain a reasonable distance from any direct competitors – please contact CalDerm should you have specific requests.

Cancellation Policy
Notification of an exhibitor’s decision to cancel must be sent in writing (email acceptable) no later than 45 days prior to the start of the meeting in order to qualify for a full refund. No refunds will be issued after this date. Canceled booths will be offered to companies on the waiting list. Cancellation policy is subject to change.

Physical Exhibit Booth Space
The exhibit area will consist of 6’ tabletop exhibits. Each exhibit table will include, linen, 2 chairs, and a wastebasket.

Advertising, Promotions & Display Materials
Exhibit items, advertising literature, or pamphlets that are distributed may contain only recognized indications and claims. Advertising in any media that particular products or services have been exhibited at the CalDerm Symposium or in a manner that could be construed as an endorsement by CalDerm or by its members is prohibited. CalDerm logos, seals, trademarks, service marks, or other similar property rights, including those that are in disuse, may not be used in connection with any product or advertising materials displayed or distributed. Exhibitors shall not transmit or permit anyone to transmit any part of the Symposium by means of radio, television, cable, videotape, online stream, or other methods of transmission of audio or visual reports. Exhibitors may not reference any part of the CalDerm Symposium program in any of their exhibit marketing materials or within their exhibit booth. Advertising materials, other than official CalDerm advertising programs, may not be distributed outside the exhibitor’s booth. This applies to distributing flyers, handbills, invitations, magazines, or other advertising materials to hotel rooms of Symposium attendees. Canvassing or distributing materials in any part of the convention center or hotels used by CalDerm during the Symposium is prohibited.

Registration & Badges
All representatives of exhibiting firms must register and wear the official exhibitor’s badge for admission to the exhibit hall and for the duration the exhibitor is in the exhibit hall. The company name that appears on the badge will be the name provided on the online Exhibitor Application only. Company name changes will not be accepted on-site. Company badges will not be accepted in lieu of the official badge. Individuals who do not have badges will not be admitted into the exhibit area. Badges may not be altered or covered in any manner. Individuals found in violation may be asked to relinquish their badge and escorted from the exhibit hall. Exhibitors are limited to 4 representatives.

The exhibit hall is a secure room that will be locked during all non-program hours of the CalDerm Symposium. Exhibitors are responsible for safeguarding their goods, materials, equipment and exhibits at all times during the designated CalDerm Symposium program.

Booth Activities
The exhibitor is permitted to demonstrate the firm’s equipment, make informational presentations regarding the product line or service, and distribute product information and related product marketing activities from the exhibit booth. Under no circumstances may exhibitor marketing activities take place outside the exhibit booth, whether in or around the host hotel or during CalDerm Symposium program hours. Activities that interfere with normal traffic flow, infringe on other exhibits, or interfere with any meeting activities as determined by CalDerm, are prohibited. Aisles may not be obstructed due to any activities within the booth. Exhibitors are responsible for monitoring attendance to prevent aisle congestion. Presentations will be limited or eliminated in situations where overflow becomes a problem. Exhibit personnel or devices may not operate outside the booth space assigned, and/or exhibit hours. Product and service demonstrations may be conducted by professional presenters or models; however, demonstrations are to be straightforward, professional, and non-combative in nature. The display of offensive materials, as determined by CalDerm, will be prohibited. The use of live animals and live subject demonstrations for the purpose of demonstrating techniques that involve equipment or prescription pharmaceuticals is prohibited. Cosmetics and nonprescription skin care products may be demonstrated. Because the exhibition of experimental products or services, the efficacy of which may not yet have been fully determined or which may not yet be commercially available, may in some cases be of significant scientific educational value, the exhibition of such products or services may be permitted if the basic criteria for technical exhibits are satisfied. The exhibition of such experimental products and services must also be in accordance with all applicable FDA regulations.

FDA Regulations
Exhibitors must abide by all applicable Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, including but not limited to any or all approval requirements. Exhibitors are reminded that the FDA generally prohibits the advertising or other promotion of investigational or unapproved drugs and devices. The FDA also forbids the commercial promotion of approved drugs or devices for unapproved uses. Unapproved devices may be displayed only if they are the subject of an effective investigational device exemption (IDE) or if they are the subject of a pending 510(k) pre-market notification application. Any investigational product that is displayed or graphically depicted within the exhibit must (a) contain no claims of safety or effectiveness, (b) contain no comparative claims to other marketed products, and (c) be accompanied by a sign clearly and prominently stating that the device is limited by federal law to investigational use and is not approved by the FDA for commercial distribution in the United States. Exhibitors may not sell, commercialize, or take orders or names with respect to an investigational drug or device, or a device that is the subject of an investigation.

AV Equipment
The use of sound systems is permitted provided they do not interfere with the ability of neighboring exhibitors to conduct business activities. Any exhibit may be closed if deemed by CalDerm, in its sole discretion, to have an excessive noise level. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining appropriate licenses for any copyrighted music used in connection with their exhibit.

Exhibit Booth Access
Exhibit personnel may not enter another exhibitor’s booth without obtaining permission, nor may they conduct activities, which in the opinion of CalDerm, may impede another exhibitor’s ability to conduct business. This is in respect of the rights of other exhibitors to conduct business during exhibit hours without interference or improper intervention. CalDerm, its representatives and employees, shall have free access to any exhibit at all times.

Insurance protection will not be afforded to the exhibitor either by CalDerm or by the Symposium host property. Exhibitors shall carry their own insurance to cover exhibit material against damage and loss, and public liability insurance of at least $1 million per occurrence and $1 million aggregate, against injury to the person and property of others.

Liability and Indemnification
The exhibitor will be fully responsible for any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, or expenses relating to or arising out of any injury to any personnel of an exhibitor or to any other person or any loss of or damage to any property of an exhibitor or any other property where such injury, loss or damage is incident to, arises out of, or is in any way connected with the exhibitor’s participation in the CalDerm Symposium, and the exhibitor shall protect, indemnify, hold harmless and defend CalDerm, its officers, directors, agents, members and employees from and against any and all such claims, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses, provided that the foregoing shall not apply to injury, loss or damage caused by or resulting from the negligence or willful misconduct of CalDerm, its officers, directors, agents, members, or employees or the Symposium host property or its agents, servants or employees. Exhibitor further waives any claim against CalDerm, its officers, directors, agents, members and employees, arising out of the oral or written publication or republication of any statement made in connection with the Symposium by anyone not an employee of the Academy concerning the exhibitor or his/her exhibits, products or services. In case any part of the exhibition hall is destroyed or damaged so as to prevent CalDerm from permitting an exhibitor to occupy assigned space during any part or the whole of the exhibition period, or in case the occupation of assigned space during any part or the whole of the exposition period is prevented by strikes, acts of God, war, terrorism, national emergency or other cause beyond the control of the Academy, then the exhibitor will be charged for space only for the period the space was or could have been occupied by the exhibitor; and the exhibitor hereby waives any claim against CalDerm, its directors, officers, agents, members or employees for losses or damages which may arise in consequence of such inability to occupy assigned space.

COVID Protocols
CalDerm closely monitors updates from the CDC, state and local officials regarding COVID-19. The safety of all attendees is top priority. All required and appropriate COVID safety precautions at the time of the event will be taken to ensure a safe experience. CalDerm reserves the right to establish and adjust onsite protocol and procedures at any time.

CalDerm Meetings and Conferences Policy on Outside Programs

California Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery (CalDerm) does not endorse, support or participate in the organization of any Outside Programs temporarily related to its Annual Meeting activities.

Outside programs definition:
Activities (seminars, workshops, lectures or social events), accredited or not, that are held during or adjacent to the dates of the CalDerm Annual Meeting, are conducted at the same venue (hotel, resort or conference center) as the CalDerm Annual Meeting, and that are not officially part of the CalDerm Annual Meeting program.

CalDerm Annual Meeting speakers and Board Members are prohibited from serving as faculty or organizers of any outside programs. Outside Programs, if conducted at the same venue as the Annual Meeting, should be held at least one day prior to the commencement of the CalDerm Annual Meeting or begin at least one hour after the conclusion of the final day’s session of the CalDerm Annual Meeting.

Industry Exhibitors:
Each professional exhibitor will be asked to sign an attestation of receipt of a copy of the CalDerm Annual Meeting Policy on Outside Programs.