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Teens and Acne

Causes and Treatments

Having acne as a teenager can be difficult and challenging. While some teenagers seem unfazed by acne, others seem very upset by it. Teens with acne can be bullied at school causing a lowering of self-esteem which may lead to depression. Treating acne early is important to keep it from worsening and to prevent lifelong scar formation.  There are a multitude of different acne medications that can be used for the different types of acne that can be seen.

There are so many myths about what causes acne. Your dermatologist can be a wealth of information on what is causing your acne and they can customize a treatment that is appropriate for each individual person. There are so many different treatments for acne. Acne treatment may include topicals only, or a combination of topical and oral medication, along with chemical peels and laser treatments. Your dermatologist will customize the proper individualized treatment. Hormonal changes may contribute to acne formation. Your dermatologist may decide to do blood work prior to starting treatment.

Diet has always been implicated in acne. Not everyone’s acne is exacerbated by food. Acne in different people may be triggered by different causes. For some people dairy may exacerbate acne. For others food that are high in sugar may exacerbate acne. For some people who are sensitive to gluten, any food with gluten may exacerbate acne. Keep track of what you eat to see if certain foods make acne worse.

There are so many over the counter products for acne, it is important to inform your dermatologist of what products you have used or are using to see if they are suitable, or they can be mixed with prescription medication. Be cautious of makeup. Some makeup can make acne worse. Stay away from oil-based makeup, since it can plug up the pores and make acne worse. Your Dermatologist can give recommendations on which makeup may be more suitable for your skin type.

Always remember to use sunscreen when you have acne. Some may feel that the sun makes their acne better and sunscreen may make their acne worse. The sun may initially dry out your acne, but it can make acne worse in the long run. Using oil free sunscreen will help protect your skin and will improve acne in the long run by keeping your skin healthy.

It is important not to pick on any acne lesions or spots, especially inflamed cysts, as this can lead to an infection of the spot and scarring. Dermatologists are specially trained to treat inflamed and irritated acne, especially if treatment is urgently needed prior to any special events. A board certified dermatologist is a wealth of information when it comes to acne diagnosis and treatment.


California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery

201 E Center St Ste 112 PMB 3148
Anaheim, California 92805
United States


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